Blog: This Week in the Woods

Tiny Pantaloons

Although the weather for hiking hasn't been too hospitable, the cool days give the wildflowers cause to linger. While the Viginia Bluebells continue to raise their pink and blue blossoms toward the sky, it is the dainty Dutchman's-breeches that claim the glory this week. From the main entrance, the eastern link of the Gathering Grove trail provides quite the opportunity to enjoy the delicate sprays of waxy, yellow-tipped flowers dropping in a row from an arched stem. Each flower has 2 inflated spurs that suggest the legs of tiny pantaloons, "ankles-up" dancing in the breeze about the fern-like foliage.

Red Trillium are starting to show their colors as well, mixed among the simple Spring Beauties and Toothwort. The less common, demure Yellow Violets are sparse but a special treat to discover.

Plan to join in the PICNIC FOR THE PLANET late Friday afternoon in recognition of Earth Day 2011, weather permitting. Check the website calendar for particulars.

Archived Blog Entries

< Back to Current Year Blog

09.08.2011  Illinois Prairie Week

08.01.2011  Gone Batty!

07.26.2011  Bluebirds

07.12.2011  Colors of the Woods

06.27.2011  A Whale of a Tale!

06.13.2011  Unique Sightings

05.31.2011  Wood ducks and muskrats and carp, Oh My!

05.12.2011  ...and under your feet, Earth!

05.04.2011  A Silver Lining

04.25.2011  Sharing With Younger Generations

04.20.2011  Tiny Pantaloons

04.11.2011  The Woodland Floor is Coming To Life

04.07.2011  Welcome to Our Blog!

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