Maps and Directions


To the main (north) entrance from Fairbury: Travel north on Seventh Street from Fairbury to road number 1000 North. Turn east and travel approximately 1 1/2 miles. The main entrance is east of the bridge and on the south side of 1000 North road.

To the main (north) entrance from points east of Fairbury: Traveling towards Fairbury on US Route 24, turn north onto road number 2400 East. Travel north to road number 1000 North and turn west. Travel approximately 1/2 mile. Park entrance is on the south side of the road.

To the prairie restoration area from Fairbury: Travel east on US Route 24 from Fairbury to road number 2300 East. Turn north and travel to road number 900 North to the parking facility.


Trail Maps  (PDF Format)

Join the Fugate Challenge!
    Complete eight fun outdoors tasks and earn rewards. At the preserve experience two events, develop two new skills, volunteer twice, and attend two educational programs. Find ideas in the posting below.

There are no age restrictions, no time limits, and no fees. When you think you have completed eight outdoor tasks of your choosing, simply call a verifier and talk with them about your experience.

Complete the Fugate Challenge and the Prairie Lands Foundation will post your picture on their website and reward you with a gift. More importantly, outdoor time promotes better physical and mental health. Attending educational programs and developing new skills is mind building. Volunteering builds community. [ Download Brochure ]

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