Colors of the Woods 07.12.2011 Bluebirds, song sparrows, red-wing blackbirds, even a pair of is abundant along the Bluestem Trail to Fugate Woods. The prairie is showing its colors and will continue well into the fall with swaths of color painted against the summer skies. The gray-headed coneflower and lavender bergamont , a member of the mint family, are prominent among the grasses which continue to shoot skyward. Soon hikers will find the grasses well above one's head on the serpentine prairie path cut through the grasses.
The bluebirds are fledging their second clutch. These brilliant jewels dart about along the Bluestem trail ajoining the woodland in cool of the morning and early evening. Plan to join in fun and discovery at the Bluebird Workshop July 16. Details can be found on the calendar of the webpage.
| Archived Blog Entries 2011 < Back to Current Year Blog
09.08.2011 Illinois Prairie Week
08.01.2011 Gone Batty!
07.26.2011 Bluebirds
07.12.2011 Colors of the Woods
06.27.2011 A Whale of a Tale!
06.13.2011 Unique Sightings
05.31.2011 Wood ducks and muskrats and carp, Oh My!
05.12.2011 ...and under your feet, Earth!
05.04.2011 A Silver Lining
04.25.2011 Sharing With Younger Generations
04.20.2011 Tiny Pantaloons
04.11.2011 The Woodland Floor is Coming To Life
04.07.2011 Welcome to Our Blog!