Blog: This Week in the Woods

Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog Day! It looks like Phil saw his shadow and we will have another 6 weeks of winter. Now, as mild as this winter has been, we can probably manage another 6 weeks!

The Weather Channel report on Punxsutawney Phil's emergence today.

Please look for more blogs coming this spring as the trees wake up, the flowers emerge, the birds return, and the weather gives us more time in the woods!

Archived Blog Entries

< Back to Current Year Blog

11.27.2012  Our Year In The Woods - Thank You

08.03.2012  Heat and Drought Affecting Our Woods

05.02.2012  Early Morning Surprise!

05.01.2012  Spring Bustle

04.10.2012  Finding Treasure

04.07.2012  Very Successful Work Days

03.27.2012  Mouth of Salamander and Blood of Root

03.10.2012  Wildflowers and Wings!

02.02.2012  Groundhog Day

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